Professional and Efficient Childcare Services In DFW

Parents want the best quality care for their children while busy at their workplaces. To this end, selecting only the best nanny services is imperative. Dubious nanny agencies with no clear track record need to be avoided because the nannies provided by such agencies cannot be trusted with the responsibility of children.

Elite Nanny Agency is the best and highly trustworthy agency for hiring nannies in DFW. Elite connects families with trained, qualified, and reliable nannies. Irrespective of whether you are looking for Part Time, Full Time or In Home Nannies DFW, this agency is the most suitable option.

Part-time Childcare Services

Elite Nanny Agency offers part-time nannies to cater to families requiring extra assistance to care for their children on particular days. Part-Time nannies visit the households per specific schedules, such as alternate days, to render their services for a fixed number of hours. Families looking for weekend nannies to look after their children on weekends can also avail the part-time nanny services.

Elite looks for part-time nannies staying just 40 minutes of commute time from its clients’ locations. The number of hours part-time nannies work in a week is usually about 29 hours.

Full-Time childcare services

Elite Nanny Agency also offers Full-Time nanny services. Families requiring daily childcare services are provided with full-time nannies. Full-Time nannies do not reside in their clients’ homes but look after the children’s daily needs for a specific number of hours while the parents are away for work. The usual arrangement is from morning till evening.

One-night babysitting, whenever required, is also included in full-time services on additional charges. Full-Time nannies usually work for more than 40 hours in a week.

Live-In childcare services

Elite Nanny Agency also offers In Home Nannies DFW. In Home or Live-In nannies stay with the families permanently and are most suited for children with parents having irregular work schedules and traveling frequently for work. Since such nannies reside 24/7 in the house, they can adjust their services as per the changing schedules of the family. Live-In nannies also easily provide weekend babysitting and overnight care. Moreover, they also help in household chores and running daily errands.

Live-In nannies work 10-12 hours daily, 5 days a week. Families are required to provide at least a separate bedroom to live-in nannies.

Rates charged

Elite Nanny Agency charges a search fee of $500. The nanny services are charged on an hourly basis. Part-Time nanny services are priced at $16-20 per hour, while Full-Time nanny services cost $20-26 per hour. Live-In nanny services are priced at $600-800 per week.


Elite Nanny Agency thoroughly assesses the family’s needs and finds the best nannies to suit those particular needs. The family is at liberty to select any nanny of their choice from the multiple options provided by the agency.